Our Story

About Us

For Dr. Jason Hair, O.D., owner of Tri-City Eyes, the journey that led him to the optometry field began many years ago when he needed to replace his contact lenses. While working in California one summer during college, he lost a contact lens. 

Jason chose to visit an optometrist at a local private practice. Jason, who has worn corrective lenses since he was 8-years-old, appreciated that the eye doctor took his time with him and thoroughly discussed his eye health needs.  He was the first optometrist to talk about the condition of his eyes, and how it could affect him in the future.

Because Jason is very nearsighted and has an extremely high prescription for glasses and contact lenses, this eye doctor recommended that he wear hard contact lenses.  Jason came back from his eye appointment impressed and forever changed.  He told his girlfriend, and soon to be wife, Jana, that he realized he wanted to become an optometrist. With his new lenses, Jason could, for the first time that he could remember, see the individual leaves on trees and gravel in the road.

From that point on, Jason has been fully committed to the eye-care profession. As an optometrist, he understands the real-life difference good eyesight can make. Now Jason is inspired to educate patients about proper eye health and vision needs. He wants his patients to not only see better, but to look and live better, too.